Providing POS Solutions to FFL's Since 2000

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Generate Email Campaigns for Targeted Marketing
Let your customers know about upcoming sales or other special events by generating targeted lists that can be imported into your favorite marketing platform.

Email Marketing
01. Tickles and Targets
A great way to keep your customers coming back to your store is to let them know about specials and to keep tickling their attention with targeted emails.
Import the customer list into popular platforms such as the Mail Chimp to broadcast your messages.
02. Customers Recalls
Generate a mailing list based on a specific item your customers may have purchased. Maybe the item is recalled and you need to contact them to let them know.
03. Send Birthday Greetings
Sending birthday greetings to your customers is fast and easy especially since date of birth is collected for all gun sales! Export the list into your favorite marketing site and shower your customers with birthday wishes.
04. Loyal Shoppers
Why not offer your best customers exclusive access to your store for a few hours? Getting that list of customers is almost instant. You can export the CSV file out of Merchant Magic™ and into your favorite email broadcasting product.